E - Team
Men’s Personal Development Group
Reach Your Potential
Within every man is the potential for greatness, impact, and significance, but this potential is not reached by accident. It happens as a result of intentional personal development. Personal development happens first on the inside of a man. It is about how he feels about himself, how he copes with pain, what he believes about life, relationships, education, work, opportunity, etc. Personal development is about understanding, embracing and living out one’s unique identity and purpose.
It is about making decisions that give meaning and significance to life. It is about personal responsibility and realizing that each person is ultimately responsible for how they live their lives.
Toxic Masculinity
Most men have been raised in an environment of toxic masculinity. Defining statements like, “Be a man”, “Tough it out”, “Boys don’t cry”, have influenced men to suppress their feelings and refuse to be vulnerable for fear that it will show weakness. The truth is that emotional health is not attainable in isolation or without authenticity. The E-Team is a safe space for men to share their authentic selves and not be judged but supported. It is a Life-Support group to help men process their lives, goals and challenges.
The E-Team will challenge each man to create a personal development plan that will involve setting goals and a plan of action. The meetings will provide accountability and encouragement. Men sharing their successes and failures encourages men to work their plan.
The E-Team is essentially a group mentoring experience. One mentor and three mentees. Mentoring has proven to be the most effective way to support personal growth. When a mentor gives attention, time, and support, it is a tangible love that is transformative..
Leadership Development:
Leadership is about the choices we make to give of ourselves for the benefit of others. It is about purpose, focus and intentionality. It is tapping into one’s capacity to influence. Leadership skills are developed and rely on love, passion, vison, and commitment. The E-Team experience is designed to develop leadership skills that are motivated by love.
Each of us is called to be a unique expression of God’s love in the world. Mentoring is a tangible way we can pass on to others what we have received. Once a mentee has completed the 12 session E-Team small group, he will be encouraged to start his own E-Team. This passing on of the love received completes the cycle and continues it’s perpetual influence in the world.
The Strategy:
An E-Team is a group of 4-5 men that are committed to a 12 session personal development focused support group. Discussions on the topics of Identity, Self-Awareness, Self-Care, Relationships, etc. will create a framework for setting goals within each man’s personal development plan. The Team structure will give, challenge and encourage men to move outside their comfort zones to give and receive love.
E-Team Logistics:
-Meets twice a month, for 6 months, for 90 minute meetings, via online video conferencing and/or in-person if possible.
-Meetings include; check-in, short teaching or reading, video, etc., discussion & challenge to grow
-Join a team Today! For more information call Mark 763.232.6242